Al-Andalus in Chile: towards a historical triangulation Arab World- Spain-Latin America through the Arab-Chilean newspaper La Reforma (1930-1942)

  • Alberto Benjamín López Oliva Universidad de Granada
Keywords: Arab immigration in Chile, Latin America, al-Andalus's Classical Arabic Literature, Spain, Hispanic-Arab


This article deals with the social, cultural and political uses of the Andalusi past through the newspaper La Reforma (1930-1942), forum of information and communication of the Arab community in Chile, in a period of notorious and progressive integration of the emigrants in the Chilean socioeconomic structures and of maximum concern about the political future of their countries of origin, subjugated at the time by the European colonial agenda. Specifically, this article locates journalistic testimonies of writers and thinkers emigrated from the Arab Levant to America, Chileans and Spaniards of certain influence in the Chilean intellectuality of the thirties, which affect the contributions and innovations of the Andalusi scholars to the European medieval culture, the integration of the Arab in Latin American society and historiography, through the process of the Spanish conquest, and in the thesis of the Andalusian nationalists who gave the Arab emigrants in America a leading role as intermediaries in the new Hispanic-Arab relations.


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How to Cite
López Oliva A. B. (2022). Al-Andalus in Chile: towards a historical triangulation Arab World- Spain-Latin America through the Arab-Chilean newspaper La Reforma (1930-1942). Anaquel de Estudios Árabes, 34(1), 91-110.