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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • Submitting an article to this journal implies the acceptance of the Declaration of Originality and Authorship.
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  • The format of the file sent is OpenOffice, Microsoft Word or RTF.

  • Web addresses have been included for references whenever possible.
  • DOI references have been included when available.

  • The text meets the reference and style requirements described in the Author Guidelines, which may be found in About the Journal.

  • If you are submitting something for a peer-reviewed section of the journal, please make sure you have followed the instructions in Ensuring a Blind Review.

Author Guidelines

The Anaquel de Estudios Árabes journal (AEA) publishes original and previously unpublished academic articles referring to research on premodern, modern or contemporary aspects of the Arab-Islamic world.

The Editorial Board will acknowledge receipt of the originals within one month of receipt. The articles will be submitted to a double evaluation by external and anonymous peers. In view of the reports, the Editorial Board will decide on the acceptance, refusal or convenience of introducing (major or minor) modifications. If necessary, arbitration will be used through a third external evaluation, notifying the authors of the decisions made within a period of eight months.

Papers must be submitted omitting any type of reference to the identity of the author in the text, including notes.

It is necessary to register as an author to enter the “Open Journal System” (OJS), through which contributions to AEA are received.

Articles that do not meet the characteristics established below will not be considered.


1.  Original and previously unpublished articles will have an extension between 8,000 and 10,000 words, including notes, tables and figures. Anaquel de Estudios Árabes publishes articles in Spanish, English and French. Authors submitting a contribution in a language other than their native language are requested to have their contribution reviewed by a native speaker of the language of publication before submitting it to the journal.

2. The articles will be accompanied by:

2.1. The title in the original language of the article, as well as in Spanish and English.

2.2. Two (or three) summaries: in the language of the text, Spanish and English (resumen; abstract; résumé). The summary, the length of which will be between 150 and 200 words, must clearly contain the objective of the research, the methodology used, the main results and a preview of the conclusions.

2.3. A series of keywords in the languages of the abstracts (keywords; mots-clés).

3. General format: The article will be presented in Times New Roman font (11 pt.), justified, with no separation between paragraphs. The pages will not be numbered. Italics will be used to highlight words or sentences of special interest; the use of bold will be limited to large sections and underlining will be avoided.

4. Initial page: The title will appear centered, in Times New Roman (18 pt.) and in lower case. Five lines below, the abstracts will be included in the aforementioned order, each followed by the keywords. When the article has numbered sections, a summary that includes the different sections and subsections will be inserted after the abstracts:

5. In the event that it is accompanied by non-text elements (tables, graphs, plans, photographs, illustrations, etc.) it may not exceed the number of 10 elements. Images will have a minimum resolution of 300 pixels.

6. The system of footnotes and bibliography will be used following the Chicago style. For more information click here.

7. Transliteration: Articles must comply with the following Arabic transliteration system (English):

' - b - t - th - j - ḥ - kh - d - dh - r - z - s - sh - ṣ - ḍ - ṭ - ẓ - ' - gh - f - q - k - l - m - n - h - w – y.

Diphthongs: ay – aw.

Alif maqṣūra is represented ā;

Initial hamza is not transliterated;

Tā' marbūṭa is a in the absolute state, and at in the construct state;

The article is transliterated al- or l-, even before solar; and only those elements that appear graphically united in the Arabic script but morphologically can be isolated are joined with a hyphen.

Articles in other languages may use the usual transliteration system in those languages.

8. Two separate files will be sent:

8.1. One will correspond to the anonymized article

8.2. and the other, to a document that includes its title, the name of its author or authors, their home address, their institutional affiliation, their e-mail and their telephone number, as well as the ORCID number when possible. Likewise, the date of submission to the Journal will be stated.


Book reviews

The reviews will have an extension of no more than 2,000 words and will be dedicated to analyzing books related to the topics covered by the Anaquel de Estudios Árabes magazine. The shipping process will be the same as for articles.

Where appropriate, the books to be reviewed will be obtained from the magazine's email address ( or from the following physical address:

Anaquel de Estudios Árabes

Área de Estudios Árabes e Islámicos. Departamento de Lingüística, Estudios Árabes, Hebreos y de Asia Oriental
Facultad de Filología
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Ciudad Universitaria s/n; Madrid 28040.

Special issues

1. The proposal for special issues will be submitted to including the following information:

- Title of the monograph.

- Description of the objectives and justification of the proposed topic (maximum 700 words).

- Short CV (maximum 300 words) of the person in charge of coordinating it.

- Author, title and brief summary of each of the planned works (maximum 300 words).

2. As a general rule, the journal will accept a minimum number of five articles and a maximum of seven, depending on their length.

3. Once the positive evaluation of the monograph is received, the authors must upload their articles to the OJS platform.

4. The articles received for the monographic section will be submitted to the review and evaluation process.

Guidelines for gender-inclusive language in English

Gender in English

In English, there is a difference between “grammatical gender”, “gender as a social construct” (which refers to the roles, behaviours, activities and attributes that a given society at a certain time considers appropriate for men or women) and “sex” as a biological characteristic of living beings.
English has very few gender markers: the pronouns and possessives (he, she, her and his); and some nouns and forms of address. Most English nouns do not have grammatical gender forms (teacher, president), whereas a few nouns are specifically masculine or feminine (actor/actress, waiter/waitress). Some nouns that once ended in -man now have neutral equivalents that are used to include both genders (police officer for policeman/policewoman, spokesperson for spokesman, chair/chairperson for chairman).
A challenge for gender-inclusive communication in English is the use of the masculine form by default. For example, “Every Permanent Representative must submit his credentials to Protocol.”

Best practices/strategies
A number of strategies can be applied, when speaking or writing in English, to be more gender-inclusive:

1. Use non-discriminatory language
1.1 Forms of address
When referring to or addressing specific individuals, use forms of address and pronouns that are consistent with their gender identity.
There should also be consistency in the way women and men are referred to: if one of them is addressed by their name, last name, courtesy title, or profession, the other one should be as well.

1.2 Avoid gender-biased expressions or expressions that reinforce gender stereotypes
Discriminatory examples:
“She throws/runs/fights like a girl.”
“In a manly way.”
“Oh, that’s women’s work.”
“Thank you to the ladies for making the room more beautiful.”
“Men just don’t understand.”

2. Make gender visible when it is relevant for communication

2.1 Using feminine and masculine pronouns “Pairing” is the use of both feminine and masculine forms (he or she; her or his). It is a strategy that may be used when the author/speaker wants to explicitly make both women and men visible. It is advisable not to overuse this strategy in English, however, as it may be distracting to the reader, in particular in narrative texts. It may also create inconsistencies or render the text less accurate — for example, in legal texts.
The feminine and masculine forms can be alternated throughout the text. This strategy should be used with caution, however, in particular when its use may affect the meaning of the text, cause confusion or be distracting to the reader. It may be more appropriate to alternate masculine and feminine forms by paragraph or section, rather than by sentence or phrase.
Example: “When a staff member accepts an offer of employment, he or she must be able to assume that the offer is duly authorized. To qualify for payment of the mobility incentive, she or he must have five years’ prior continuous service on a fixed-term or continuing appointment.”

2.2 Using two different words
In cases in which highlighting gender would make the sentence more inclusive, two separate words can be used. This strategy should be used only when popular beliefs or preconceptions may obscure the presence or action of either gender.

“Boys and girls should attend the first cooking class with their parents.”
“All of the soldiers, both men and women, responded negatively to question 5 in the survey on gender inclusivity.”

3. Do not make gender visible when it is not relevant for communication

3.1 Use gender-neutral words

3.2 Using plural pronouns/adjectives
In informal writing, such as emails, plural pronouns may be used as a shortcut to ensure gender inclusiveness. Such strategies are not recommended in formal writing.
Example: “Before submitting your document, send it to the focal point for their review; they will return it to you with comments.”

3.3 Use the pronoun one instead of "he".

Authorship policy

In accordance with good editorial practices for scientific journal publications, an "author" of a published work is considered a person who has made a significant intellectual contribution to it. In this journal, authors are requested to indicate the degree of contribution of each signing author in a section called "Authorship Contribution" located at the end of the article, before the list of bibliographic references, when their contributions are not equal.
The list of authors should only include individuals who have made intellectual contributions to the development of the work. Assisting in data collection or participating in any technique alone is not sufficient criteria for authorship. The author of an article must have participated significantly in its conception and development to assume responsibility for its content and must also agree with the final version of the article. In general, the following requirements must be met to be listed as an author:


  • Participated in the conception and design, or data acquisition, or analysis and interpretation of the data that resulted in the article in question.
  •  Participated in the writing of the text and possible revisions.
  • Approved the final version to be published.
  • This journal disclaims any responsibility for potential conflicts arising from the authorship of the works it publishes. It follows the decision tree recommended by COPE in cases of requests for changes in authorship for received manuscripts or already published articles (

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