Identification and an Outline of a Typology

  • Boyer Henri Université Montpellier 3
Keywords: Patrimonialization, logonym, cultureme, identiteme
Agencies: As a preliminary to the analysis of the status and the functioning of the identiteme, we are interested here in the patrimonialization, first under its territorialist modality, then under other modalities which concern other objects of the societal reality other than the places, such as people, events, periods, dates ... and therefore other types of denominations, such as a name particularly subject to patrimonialization : the logonym Heritageization will be considered here as the integration into all of the identity markers of a given community, after freezing, of signs endowed with an indisputably notorious and stabilized ethnosociocultural connotation : some researchers use the concept of cultureme to designate them. However, we will show that all culturemes do not necessarily acquire the status of identities. The sign that constitutes the cultureme cannot claim identiteme status if it is not supported for regular celebration by the dominant interdiscourse, mainly conveyed today by the media. It is this identiteme status that will be the subject of a diverse identification.


As a preliminary to the analysis of the status and the functioning of the identiteme, we are interested here in the patrimonialization, first under its territorialist modality, then under other modalities which concern other objects of the societal reality other than the places, such as people, events, periods, dates ... and therefore other types of denominations, such as a name particularly subject to patrimonialization : the logonym

Heritageization will be considered here as the integration into all of the identity markers of a given community, after freezing, of signs endowed with an indisputably notorious and stabilized ethnosociocultural connotation : some researchers use the concept of cultureme to designate them. However, we will show that all culturemes do not necessarily acquire the status of identities. The sign that constitutes the cultureme cannot claim identiteme status if it is not supported for regular celebration by the dominant interdiscourse, mainly conveyed today by the media. It is this identiteme status that will be the subject of a diverse identification.


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How to Cite
Henri B. (2021). Identification and an Outline of a Typology. Thélème. Revista Complutense de Estudios Franceses, 36(2), 131-143.