Travel and illustration: the function of image in French travel narratives (16th - 19th centuries)

  • Cristina G. de Uriarte Marrón Universidad de La Laguna
Keywords: French travel narratives, iconography, XVI-XIX century


The abundant iconographic material generated by travel narratives not only constitutes a complement of the written text, but it also fulfils an undeniable aesthetic function. Based on representative examples of fifteen French travel writing, comprised between the 16th and the 19th centuries, this article will study the function and the evolution of image in those texts. First, it will focus on the representation, real and fictional, of places and people; then, it will look at scientific illustration and landscape; finally, it will reflect on the relationship between images and the written text in this literary genre.


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Author Biography

Cristina G. de Uriarte Marrón, Universidad de La Laguna
Profesora Titular de Universidad. Depto. Filología Clásica, Francesa, Árabe y Románica. Universidad de La Laguna.
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How to Cite
G. de Uriarte Marrón C. (2018). Travel and illustration: the function of image in French travel narratives (16th - 19th centuries). Thélème. Revista Complutense de Estudios Franceses, 33(2), 259-273.