Michel Tournier’s non-fiction short texts: Life celebration at old age

  • Mathilde Cécile Bataillé Université d'Angers (France)
Keywords: Michel Tournier, writing happiness, aesthetics of celebration, short texts, work evolution, old age.


If Michel Tournier willingly defines his work by the notion of celebration, the emphasis he placed on it remains unequal across texts and time. In his first novels, the celebration mainly takes place in the last part of the narrative and is opposed to the darkness of the beginning. This darkness peters out in Tournier’s latest work, in particular in three collections of non-fiction short texts: Petites proses (1986), Célébrations (1999) and Journal extime (2002). These texts, which focus on daily pleasures, depict a peaceful and serene writer. Nevertheless, because it coincides with the first anxieties of old age, this evolution to the celebration raises questions. Thus, we propose to examine this late triumph of the celebration.


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Author Biography

Mathilde Cécile Bataillé, Université d'Angers (France)
Membre du Centre d'Etudes et de Recherche sur Imaginaire, Ecritures et Cultures, Université d'Angers. Docteur en littérature française. Chargée d'enseignements à l'Université d'Angers (ATER).



How to Cite
Bataillé M. C. (2014). Michel Tournier’s non-fiction short texts: Life celebration at old age. Thélème. Revista Complutense de Estudios Franceses, 29(1), 23-35. https://doi.org/10.5209/rev_THEL.2014.v29.40421