Life writing in extreme contemporary French literature

  • Solange Gil Universidad de Barcelona Université Paris 3-Sorbonne Nouvelle Universidad de Buenos Aires
Keywords: subject, auto-fiction, biographic fictions, aesthetics, contemporary French novel.


Throughout an array of writers and works, this article tries to reconstruct the conditions by which the so called “writings of the self” have become hegemonic in French literature since 1980 to the present. On the one hand, the hypothesis is that there is a shared aesthetics that gathers recent works involving real lives. On the other hand, this aesthetics defines the features of a new form of novel, first because these “writings of the self” have replaced the strictly novelistic production, and second because their own bases have opened a new era for the genre that cannot further be defined under the nineteenthcentury paradigm.


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Author Biography

Solange Gil, Universidad de Barcelona Université Paris 3-Sorbonne Nouvelle Universidad de Buenos Aires

Solange Gil es licenciada en Filología Francesa por la Universidad de Barcelona. Se especializó en literatura francesa del extremo contemporáneo junto a Bruno Blanckeman, uno de los primeros teóricos de este período, en la Universidad de Paris 3-Sorbonne Nouvelle donde escribió una tesina sobre la antifilosofía de Pascal Quignard. Actualmente traduce los cuentos de este autor aún inéditos en castellano y dicta diferentes cursos sobre la nueva narrativa francesa. Es profesora de francés en la Facultad de Filosofia y Letras de la Universidad de Buenos Aires.



How to Cite
Gil S. (2014). Life writing in extreme contemporary French literature. Thélème. Revista Complutense de Estudios Franceses, 29(1), 55-73.