El nuevo plan de estudios de la escuela universitaria de biblioteconomía y documentación de la universidad complutense de madrid: percepción de los diplomados y de los empleadores

  • Carlos Miguel Tejada Artigas
Keywords: University training, curriculum, Library and Information Science, Complutense University, Madrid,


This article deals with the assessment, carried out by both graduates and employers, of the new curriculum in the Escuela Universitaria de Biblioteconomía y Documentación, in the Complutense University, Madrid which became effective as from the academic year 2000-2001. Thus, starting from a questionnaire which was sent to all of those who have graduated from the school ever since its foundation up to the academic year-1999-2000, opinions and ideas regarding the training received have been collected and the new curriculum assessed. In addition, in interviews with thirty important employers, the relevance of the different subjects in the curriculum formed one of the topics for discussion. It is clear that any reform in the curriculum requieres joint reflection on the part of all the parties involve.


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How to Cite
Tejada Artigas C. M. (2002). El nuevo plan de estudios de la escuela universitaria de biblioteconomía y documentación de la universidad complutense de madrid: percepción de los diplomados y de los empleadores. Revista General de Información y Documentación, 12(1), 315-335. https://revistas.ucm.es/index.php/RGID/article/view/RGID0202120315A