“Qui de polp paria que fossen”. A Note on Ovid’s Reception in "Curial e Güelfa"

  • Sonia Gros Lladós UNED
Keywords: Curial e Güelfa, Ovid, Metamorphoses, Hermaphroditus, Salmacis, Juan de Mena, La Coronación, Francesc Alegre


In the context of the reception of Classical authors in the XVth century, the analysis of a new Ovidian source is proposed for a passage of the north-African episode of the Catalan chivalric novel Curial e Güelfa. We suggest the anonymous author reuses the myth of Hermaphroditus from Ovid’s Metamorphoses and we analyse the treatment of the Ovidian hypotext and its fitting in a new narrative context. Besides, we study the possibility of using intermediate sources, such as Boccaccian Genealo­gia, and we offer a comparative analysis of Juan de Mena’s version of Hermaphroditus’ myth. In doing so, we aim to contextualize the Catalan novel in the cultural atmosphere of this period and, more exact­ly, in the reception of Ovidian texts in the Hispanic circles connected to Italian humanism. The analysis confirms the relevance of Classical authors as Ovid in the Anonymous’ writing.


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How to Cite
Gros Lladós S. (2019). “Qui de polp paria que fossen”. A Note on Ovid’s Reception in "Curial e Güelfa". Revista de Filología Románica, 36, 153-168. https://doi.org/10.5209/RFRM.63510