Text, paratext and Spanish vocabulary in Voyage d’Espagne (1736) by Guillaume Manier

  • Ignacio Iñarrea Las Heras Universidad de La Rioja
Keywords: pilgrimage, travel, Spain, text, paratext, Spanish vocabulary, semantic field


The French pilgrim Guillaume Manier travelled to Spain in 1726, where he mainly visited Santiago de Compostela and Madrid. Ten years later, he wrote two texts about that experience: a story called Voyage d’Espagne and a glossary of Spanish words with their French translation. The aim of this article is to show the relationship between these two written works and assess their transcendence. The fact that both of them share abundant Spanish words proves they are closely related. Our starting point is that a story can be identified as a text and a glossary as a paratext. Both complement and enrich each other and were conceived of as a single unity in order to provide useful information for future readers and travelers to Spain.


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How to Cite
Iñarrea Las Heras I. (2014). Text, paratext and Spanish vocabulary in Voyage d’Espagne (1736) by Guillaume Manier. Revista de Filología Románica, 30(2), 353-368. https://doi.org/10.5209/rev_RFRM.2013.v30.n2.45715