El concepto de persona. Una relectura de la propuesta de P. F. Strawson

  • María Teresa Muñoz Sánchez


This article offers a review of the chapter dedicated by Strawson to the concept of a person in Individuals. Characteristics given to the concept of person by Strawson are criticized by Bernard Williams. What I set out to show is that this criticism can be answered by reviewing: a) how Strawson understands that the concept of a person is primitive, b) what are the implications of affirming the primitiveness of such concept, and, mainly c) what this philosopher understands by referring.


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Comment citer
Muñoz Sánchez M. T. . (2008). El concepto de persona. Una relectura de la propuesta de P. F. Strawson. Revista de Filosofía, 32(2), 73-87. https://revistas.ucm.es/index.php/RESF/article/view/RESF0707220073A