L’aperception transcendantale immédiate et sa décomposition en phénoménologie

  • Marc Richir
Keywords: Phaenomenon, phenomenalization, pulsing, Stiftung, schematism, ideality,


The remake that we have started of phenomenology since the Phenomenological Meditations (1992) has led us here to reexammine the question of transcendantal aperception and transcendental cogito such as it is known by Husserl. The problematic of phenomenalization and phenomenological schematism of phaenomena as but phaenomena leads to its decomposition in three architectonichal registers, whose common structure is each time that of a discordance into the accordance: register of off language with, its instable proto-temporalization, register of language with its temporalizations in presence without a present that could be set, and utterly husserlian register of intentionnal meanings wich temporalize themselves in presents. In this context, the question of the Stiftung itself of eidetic husserlian a priori is examined.


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How to Cite
Richir M. (2001). L’aperception transcendantale immédiate et sa décomposition en phénoménologie. Revista de Filosofía , 26, 7-53. https://revistas.ucm.es/index.php/RESF/article/view/RESF0101220007A