Karl Jaspers and the hermeneutic dichotomy between understanding and explanation in psychopathology. Could we find our feet with anyone who suffered from the Cotard syndrome type I?

  • José María Ariso Universidad Internacional de La Rioja
Keywords: Jaspers, rational understanding, empathic understanding, Wittgenstein, death.


Though Karl Jaspers stated in his General Psychopathology that the genesis of delusions is un-understandable rational and empathically, millions of people all over the world and lots of cinema critics seem to have understood in both ways the genesis of the case of Cotard syndrome which appears by the end of the film The Sixth Sense (1999). In this paper, however, I will show that the possibility of understanding rational and empathically the genesis of this case is just unrealistic.


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Author Biography

José María Ariso, Universidad Internacional de La Rioja
Facultad de Educación



How to Cite
Ariso J. M. (2012). Karl Jaspers and the hermeneutic dichotomy between understanding and explanation in psychopathology. Could we find our feet with anyone who suffered from the Cotard syndrome type I?. Revista de Filosofía , 36(2), 7-24. https://doi.org/10.5209/rev_RESF.2011.v36.n2.38404