Mechanisms of Assistance Coordination in a Catastrophe Emergency Plan

  • Atef Kanaan Kanaan Doctor en Medicina, especialista en Medicina Legal y Forense y Medicina Familiar y Comunitaria. Profesor honorífico del departamento de Toxicología y Legislación Sanitaria. Médico de emergencias SUMMA 112. Médico de Urgencias del Hospital de Móstoles
  • Víctor Cea Soria Especialista en Medicina Familiar y Comunitaria, médico de emergencias SUMMA 112, médico de Urgencias del Hospital de Móstoles
  • Pedro Huertas Alcázar Subdirector de Formación del SUMMA 112
Keywords: Catastrophe, risk, emergency plan, health assistance, intervention groups, coordination mechanisms


Preparation for an adequate and rapid response to necessities of an affected population by a catastrophe of any kind forms the strategy to avoid and/or reduce serious damage which the catastrophe could cause to people, their belongings, and the environment.

In general, for this preparation, it is to be expected that the existence of an adequate infrastructure, human resources and plentiful material would be sufficient to confront a catastrophe at a time in which improvisation is usually turned to as a tool to put in motion the emergency plan designed according to kind and degree of catastrophe involved, and adapt to the new situation.

Experience teaches, however, that such a situation of uncertainty can occur which demands taking into account during preparation all the details, as small as they may be, in order to attend victims and coordinate resources and intervention groups according to coordination mechanisms which have been previously developed, tested and which acquire such importance so that they become decisive in order to reach the objectives of the planning.


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How to Cite
Kanaan Kanaan A., Cea Soria V. y Huertas Alcázar P. (2015). Mechanisms of Assistance Coordination in a Catastrophe Emergency Plan. Revista de la Escuela de Medicina Legal, 9, 13-21.