Accompanying processes to promote critical global citizenship. Seeking coherence between what we research and how we research

Keywords: critical global citizenship education, right to research, citizenship and gender, post-critical pedagogies


Quality global citizenship education has recently been recognised as a right. For this to become a reality, it requires not only educational practices that promote this approach, but also research that can accompany, make visible, document and improve these practices. Based on the three major dilemmas that a publicly-funded research has faced, we explain the path taken in the search for coherent research between what is researched and how it is researched. If global citizenship education has an emancipatory and transformative aim, its research should not be exempt from these same aims.

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How to Cite
Calvo-Salvador A. (2024). Accompanying processes to promote critical global citizenship. Seeking coherence between what we research and how we research. Revista Española de Desarrollo y Cooperación, 51(2), 191-199.