Efecto de los herbicidas sobre el sistema inmune: una aproximación en peces

  • Is. Rondón Barragán
  • D. Pardo Hernández
  • Pr. Eslava Mocha
Keywords: Immunomodulation, Fish, Immune response, Xenobiotics


Exposure to xenobiotics, including herbicides, in natural environments, mainly by agricultural practices has brought to question about the impact of these practices on live organism. Thus, deleterious effects of these exposures to animals, both terrestrial and aquatic have been proved, being the last one the most affected, since they function in some cases as final receptors, by lixiviation, run-off, or direct spray of agrochemical products. Still when, there are a few studies that support the innocuousness of herbicides to aquatic organisms, specifically fish, there is evidence of immunomodulation by diverse derivates compounds of them. The objective of the current article is to discuss about the possible mechanisms of action of herbicides related with alteration of immune function, as well as to emphasize the importance application of these studies in fish.


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How to Cite
Rondón Barragán I., Pardo Hernández D. y Eslava Mocha P. (2010). Efecto de los herbicidas sobre el sistema inmune: una aproximación en peces. Revista Complutense de Ciencias Veterinarias, 4(1), 1-22. https://revistas.ucm.es/index.php/RCCV/article/view/RCCV1010120001A