Seguimiento clínico del ensayo de una vacuna VLP para los serotipos 1 y 1+4 de la lengua azul en ganado ovino

  • Jose Manuel Sánchez-vizcaíno
  • Ana Cristina Pérez de Diego
  • Pablo Del Carmen
  • Javier Carvajal
Keywords: Virus Like Particles vaccines, Bluetongue virus, Sheep


Bluetongue Virus disease is an infectous disease submitted to a sanitary control composed by several measures of prevention, and one of these measures is the vaccination of the sensible species. In the development of vaccines opposite to this disease, a new trend is the production of polyvalent vaccines by VLP's technology (virus like particles). This work has had as aim to value by clinical survey, 2 VLP vaccines, for serotypes 1 and 1+4. The results confirm the lack of fever, clinical signs and pathologic injuries in vaccinated animals opposite to control animals, which indicates that these new vaccines protect for the appearance of clinical signs.


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How to Cite
Sánchez-vizcaíno J. M. ., Pérez de Diego A. C. ., Carmen P. D. . y Carvajal J. . (2009). Seguimiento clínico del ensayo de una vacuna VLP para los serotipos 1 y 1+4 de la lengua azul en ganado ovino. Revista Complutense de Ciencias Veterinarias, 3(2), 69-78.