RefWorks: un puente hacia la investigación en la ruta del Espacio Europeo de Enseñanza Superior

  • Yolanda De Lucas
  • Cristina Martín
  • Ana Isabel Haza
  • Concepción Delgado
  • J. Julio Lucas
Keywords: Reference manager, RefWorks, ICTs, Cooperative learning, Research, Online resources


RefWorks is a reference manager on the web with free access for users of the Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM). It allows one to save, classify, format, share and automatically produce lists/citations of one’s references. Time is optimized and permits cooperation among research teams and within members of the teams. Our specific objective is to train > 200 users through a cooperative learning method in which the University library staff, professors and students enrolled in bachelor, masters or doctorate degrees participate. A new user shall teach RefWorks to 3 persons, who once learn the program, can in turn teach its basic operation to 3 other people (1-3-9-27). Participation and exposure of students to research shall be promoted and an increased awareness of all involved in the educational process in order to face present and future challenges in the European Higher Education Area (EHEA).


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How to Cite
De Lucas Y., Martín C., Haza A. I., Delgado C. y Lucas J. J. (2009). RefWorks: un puente hacia la investigación en la ruta del Espacio Europeo de Enseñanza Superior. Revista Complutense de Ciencias Veterinarias, 3(1), 39.