Diclofenac in vultures: could it be the cause of the decline of the Spanish population?

  • N. Achucarro Lindon Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Keywords: diclofenac, vultures, visceral gout, NSAID


Diclofenac is a powerful anti-inflammatory that isused at veterinarian medicine. It is responsible for the 97% of the loss of the Carrion Birds of the Asian continent. Therecent approval in Spain of a pharmaceutical speciality which contains this drug has caused a particular outstanding concern; taking into account that Spain is the nature reserve of vultures in Europe. With the present review we attempt to evaluate the potential risk that can exist analysing the Spanish scenery. Diclofenac applied to birds causes acute renal insufficiency because of cell necrosis of the proximal contournal tube, obstructing the excretion of uric acid,causing serious visceral gout and death. Vultures are extremely sensitive animals as they eliminate certain drugs more slowly, that is why therapeutic dose fortreated species is mortal for them. The Asian continent had the suitable conditions: religious believings, oral bolus formulation and the reduced cost of this molecule; all of them circumstances that justify the serious concern which has been caused.


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How to Cite
Achucarro Lindon N. (2017). Diclofenac in vultures: could it be the cause of the decline of the Spanish population?. Revista Complutense de Ciencias Veterinarias, 11(Especial), 253-258. https://doi.org/10.5209/RCCV.55682