Microsurgical cholestasis: a model of splanchnic inflammation

  • Alberto García Picazo Facultad de Medicina, UCM. Madrid
Keywords: cholestasis, mast cells, portal hypertension, inflammation


Introduction: The ligation of the common bile duct in rats is a reliable experimental model of the cirrhosis associated with portal hypertension. This condition induces a splanchnic inflammation, in which mast cells might be involved.

Methods: In order to verify this hypothesis, were measured the density of connective tissue mast cells (RMCP-I) (RMCP: rat mast cell protease) and mucosal mast cells (RMCP-II) in the splanchnic organs of pseudo-operated rats and in rats with microsurgical extrahepatic cholestasis.

Results: A statistically significant increase (p<0.05) in the density of both types cells in the liver and ileum of cholestatic rats with reference to the pseudo-operated rats was observed.

Conclusions: These results suggest the possible key role that mast cells could play in the visceral organs. Being splanchnic modulators of the inflammatory response, angiogenesis and fibrotic remodelling, which occur in cirrhosis.


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How to Cite
García Picazo A. (2017). Microsurgical cholestasis: a model of splanchnic inflammation. Revista Complutense de Ciencias Veterinarias, 11(Especial), 7-11. https://doi.org/10.5209/RCCV.55174