Worries in breast cancer patients receiving psychological assistance
To identify worries expressed by breast cancer patients recently diagnosed, before receiving oncological treatment. A questionnaire was developed to assess in a 0-10 scale (0=no worry; 10= the maximum worry) the level of worry about 13 topics related with cancer disease. Two items were added to express some other worries (both related or not with the disease). The questionnaire was applied to 53 women (aged between 29 and 82 years). Forty-eight patients have been diagnosed at stages 0-II, while 5 patients were diagnosed at stages III-IV. Worry about children was expressed by 90% of patients, followed by worries related with treatments (80% of patients). However the highest levels of worry were related with the care of others (9.59) and prognosis (9.37). Breast cancer patients worries at the moment of diagnosis are related with treatments (chemotherapy), care of others (specially, children), and prognosis. Psychological assessment of these patients must consider these features in order to develop an appropiate psychological intervention.Downloads
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