Mammary surgery: psychological aspects

  • María Eugenia Olivares
Keywords: Surgery, Breast cancer, Psychology, Motivations, Satisfaction, Reconstruction


It is undisputed that the significant progress surgical treatments of the breast, have experienced in recent times. The purpose of this article focuses on the impact of current surgical techniques breast in the psychological aspects of women affected. Advances in conservative surgery, which removes not mastectomy is the surgical treatment of choice in many situations. Likewise, it was widely assumed that breast reconstruction provides psychological benefits to women mastectomized. Although many times, the conclusion, without empirical evidence or poor methodological quality in investigations, such as the use of retrospective designs and control group of women not oncological. Regarding restorative surgery, it is necessary to study the most frequent reasons for which a woman chooses do or not (feelings of bodily integrity, use of external prosthesis, management information from the optional). Likewise, it is necessary to contemplate that within the competencies of health care, satisfaction has become an important measure of quality. Several studies indicate that satisfaction regarding a structured approach and multidisciplinary, is the factor that contributes most to the satisfaction and to the realistic expectations of women. We must distinguish two levels: Satisfaction with the treatments made and the information received. Finally, we need to look at weight two variables: time of surgery (immediate or deferred) and the type of technique used (expander, prostheses, dorsal wide, TRAM) in the psychological characteristics of the patient.


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How to Cite
Olivares M. E. (2007). Mammary surgery: psychological aspects. Psicooncología, 4(2), 447-464.