Oncología y psicología: un modelo de interacción

  • Jaime Sanz
  • Elisabeth Modolell
Keywords: Psycho-Oncology, Consultation model, Foundational model, Integration, Emotional support, Medical team


In this article we present how to include a psychologist specialist on Oncology in a Service or cancer centre. We begin by describing Psycho-Oncology historical introduction in the United States and in Spain. Afterwards we trace the oncologist and psycho-oncologist point of view facing the multiple requests due the special characteristics of the illness. We continue defining the current model of inclusion of a Psycho-Oncologist on Oncology, called the Consultation Model. We describe our proposed model called Foundational Model, born in the MSKCC, New York. To conclude we explain the integration experience of a Psycho-Oncologist in an Oncology Unit that we have carried out in the Hospital Universitario Marqués de Valdecilla. According to our experience, the integration of the Psycho-Oncologist on Oncology medical teams is not only possible but also necessary and beneficent.


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How to Cite
Sanz J. . y Modolell E. . (2004). Oncología y psicología: un modelo de interacción. Psicooncología, 1(1), 3-12. https://revistas.ucm.es/index.php/PSIC/article/view/PSIC0404110003A