Distress and pychosocial concers during the third wave of the pandemic among oncological patients and family caregivers: an exploratory análisis

Keywords: COVID-19, distress, cancer, anxiety, depression, psychosocial concerns, psychooncology


Aim. Describe the psychological distress and the psychosocial concerns during the third wave of the pandemic in oncological patients and family caregivers and analyze the evolution of these variables in cancer patients taking as references April and December of 2020. Method. The researchers developed a self-administered questionnaire. It was composed by items developed ad hoc to assess sociodemographic characteristics and social concerns and the Kessler K-6 scale to measure psychological distress. Results. The proportion of oncological patients and family caregivers who showed clinical levels of distress was higher than that the ones of non-oncological population during December 2020. Clinical distress was higher in oncological patients during the December 2020, compared to April levels. This increase was especially significant among women and younger patients in both assessment moments. The main social concerns at the third wave for oncological patients and family caregivers were: the fear of contracting COVID-19, restlessness and fear of the future, suspension of the social contacts, the absence of face-to-face contact and inactivity in the streets and shops. Conclusions. The results of this study highlight the need to provide the proper care to oncological patients and family caregivers due to the presence of socio-emotional needs, and to develop strategies that allow them to be covered from psychological impact of COVID-19.


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Yélamos Agua C., Luque Suárez S., de Haro Gázquez D., Berzal Pérez E., Fernández Sánchez B., Ruesga García M. y Navarro Jiménez J. M. (2023). Distress and pychosocial concers during the third wave of the pandemic among oncological patients and family caregivers: an exploratory análisis. Psicooncología, 20(1), 11-26. https://doi.org/10.5209/psic.87569