Sense of the disease and coping in patients with head and neck cancer

  • María Longares Segarra International University of Valencia-VIU
  • María Ángeles Beleña Mateo University of Valencia
Keywords: Head and neck cancer, coping, resilience, sense of the disease, interpersonal relationships, changes, vital priorities


Cancer implies the need to carry out a mobilization of physical, instrumental and psychological resources to achieve an optimal adaptation of the sick person to their new situation. Likewise, the suffering derived from the disease leads patients to consider the meaning of it and generates changes in different areas of life. Objective: to explore the meaning that the disease has for patients with head and neck cancer (hereinafter CCC) and the changes derived from it, in relation to their interpersonal relationships and vital priorities. Second, to explore the relationship between coping with cancer in terms of the meaning given to the disease. Method: the sample is made up of 114 patients diagnosed with CCC. The following assessment instruments were used: ad hoc sociodemographic data questionnaire and Mini-Mental Adjustment to Cancer Scale (Mini-MAC). Results: patients who have given a negative sense to the disease are characterized by greater cognitive avoidance. Those who have experienced positive changes in their personal relationships are characterized by facing the disease with a greater fighting spirit, and those who have experienced negative changes face their disease with greater helplessness/hopelessness. Patients who prioritize themselves obtain a higher score in fatalism (U = 124.0), compared to those who prioritize their family and others. Conclusion: a relationship has been found between the positive sense and positive changes in personal relationships with a more adaptive coping with the disease. And less adaptive coping for those who target their own people, rather than family or others.


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How to Cite
Longares Segarra M. y Beleña Mateo M. Á. (2022). Sense of the disease and coping in patients with head and neck cancer. Psicooncología, 19(1), 11-26.