Benefits of music therapy as an integrative option in oncological treatment

Keywords: Music Therapy, Cancer, Wellness, Depression, Anxiety, Stress


Objective: To identify the efficacy of music therapy treatments that address symptoms in cancer patients and show some type of psychological, physiological, spiritual, social or intellectual benefit. Method: A documentary analysis was carried out that involved a comparative study of scientific evidence. Results: Music therapy minimizes the physiological effects of specific oncological treatments such as chemotherapy, it is used as a complement to morphine or sufentanil, reducing pain and influencing the emotional life of the patient. Conclusions: It is a discipline that shows positive evidence in emotional situations reducing depression, anxiety and stress, helping in relaxation and improving the pain threshold, postulating itself as a non-pharmacological option that should lead to an implantation every time. more standardized in hospital centers.


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Author Biographies

Jaime Carrasco García, Universidad de Córdoba

Universidad de Córdoba (España)

Psicólogo y Musicoterapeuta (Técnico Modelo Benenzon)

Profesor de Contrabajo del C.S.M. "Rafael Orozco" de Córdoba 



Ignacio González López, University of Córdoba

Universidad de Córdoba (España)


Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación

Departamento de Educación

Área de Métodos de Investigación y Diagnóstico en Educación

Avda. San Alberto Magno, s/n - 14071 Córdoba (España)

Telf: 0034 957218962

Fax: 0034 957218937

E-mail: /

Ana Belén Cañizares Sevilla, University of C´ordoba

Universidad de Córdoba (España)

Área de Didáctica de la Expresión Musical

Departamento de Ciencias Sociales y Experimentales (Reestructurado)

C/ San Alberto Magno s/nº. 14071. Córdoba (España) 

Telf: 957 212 550 

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How to Cite
Carrasco García J., González López I. y Cañizares Sevilla A. B. (2020). Benefits of music therapy as an integrative option in oncological treatment. Psicooncología, 17(2), 335-355.