Information on palliative chemotherapy in patients with advanced cancer: a review

  • José Miguel Navarro Jiménez Unidad de Soporte Hospitalario de Cuidados Paliativos del Hospital Universitario de Getafe, Madrid.
  • Juan Antonio Cruzado Unidad de Soporte Hospitalario de Cuidados Paliativos del Hospital Universitario de Getafe, Madrid.
  • María Jesús Boya Cristia Dirección de correspondencia: José Miguel Navarro. Unidad de Soporte Hospitalario de Cuidados Paliativos del Hospital Universitario de Getafe. Ctra. Madrid - Toledo, Km 12,500, 28905 Getafe, Madrid.
Keywords: Palliative chemotherapy, expectations, advanced cancer, information, goals.


Introduction: Palliative chemotherapy is the first-line specific treatment in most oncology patients with advanced disease and it is essential for patients to understand the goals of treatment and expectations to fit the disease process. Objective: To systematically review the beliefs and expectations of patients receiving palliative chemotherapy about treatment. Method: We searched PubMed from 2000 to the present. Articles written in English and Spanish. A total of 20 articles met the inclusion criteria. Results: About half of patients receiving palliative chemotherapy have misconceptions about treatment expectations and goals. Patients who understand the goals of treatment are less likely to receive chemotherapy at the end of life, less anxiety and depression, greater sense of control and desire for palliative care associated with better quality of life. Conclusion: A significant percentage of advanced cancer patients receive palliative chemotherapy without knowing the purpose of treatment with erroneous expectations of cure, making it difficult to participate in decision making about their care plan.


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How to Cite
Navarro Jiménez J. M., Cruzado J. A. y Boya Cristia M. J. (2017). Information on palliative chemotherapy in patients with advanced cancer: a review. Psicooncología, 14(1), 23-40.