Emergence of Islamophobia in VOX's political discourse

Keywords: Vox, discourse, Islam, Islamophobia, national identity


The electoral and political rise of Vox in Spain is of such importance that it is essential to continue deepening its political ideology. With this objective, this article intends to delve into the political discourse of this formation on Islam in Spain, taking into account that other investigations have shown the presence of Islamophobia in their discourse. For this purpose, a qualitative methodology based on the analysis of the discourse of different audiovisual and documentary sources related to this political formation has been used. The result of this investigation allows us to assert that in Vox there is an illiberal discourse of Islamophobia around Islam and the Muslim community residing in Spain. Vox builds a political ideology where Islam fulfills the function of the socio-historical enemy of national identity. In this context, such a discourse emerges from an essentialist rejection of Islam, representing it as a political threat to the cultural, identity and social survival of the Spanish national identity.



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How to Cite
Cheddadi El Haddad Z. . (2024). Emergence of Islamophobia in VOX’s political discourse. Política y Sociedad, 61(1), e83415. https://doi.org/10.5209/poso.83415