The rise of the far right in Europe: the case of Vox in the Region of Murcia

  • Ismael Crespo Martínez Universidad de Murcia
  • Alberto Mora Rodríguez Área de Ciencia PolíticaUniversidad de Murcia
Keywords: Elections, VOX, Electoral Behavior, populist radical right parties, Immigration, Ideology, Nationalism


This study will analyse electoral support for VOX in the 2019 general elections in the Region of Murcia, the only part of Spain where this populist, far-right political party has managed to become the party to win the most votes. Following a summary of the main arguments proposed in comparative literature to explain support for these types of parties, this study will analyse the importance of factors which are unique to the Region of Murcia, such as the role of agriculture in the production system and its interaction with migratory phenomena. The analyses conducted in this study, including data aggregation, analysis of individual opinions through the use of surveys and a qualitative contribution from discussion groups, demonstrates that, in addition to the influence of ideology and national identity, the level of immigration from Morocco and its interaction with the importance of agriculture in the regional production system were determining factors in VOX’s electoral success. In this respect, a vote for Vox would seem to be the answer to immigration, which is viewed as economic competition and an “enemy” in cultural terms.


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Author Biography

Ismael Crespo Martínez, Universidad de Murcia

Catedrático de Ciencia Política 

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How to Cite
Crespo Martínez I. y Mora Rodríguez A. (2022). The rise of the far right in Europe: the case of Vox in the Region of Murcia. Política y Sociedad, 59(3), e75974.