Objects on Revolution. Towards Idiotic (Cosmo)Politics
Things are depending on how we make them public. This is the inspiring argument that Bruno Latour and Peter Weibel activate in Making Things Public. Atmospheres of Democracy, an exhibition developed at the ZKM in Karlsruhe during 2005. This article, as a fake re-enactment, tries to reverse the order of factors to alter the product: the public is made by the mobilization of things. "Making the Public with Things" would be the counter-slogan. To show how things make the public, two objects, flags and bearings, will be subjected to a stress-test. Although differing from each other in terms of utilities and symbolic load, they resonate on the same cosmopolitical frequency due to the fact that, according to what Simondon calls their technical mode of existence, they detonate public materialities (Marres).
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