Dual training policy: discurses with Germany in mind

  • Antonio Martín Artiles Universidad Autónoma Barcelona. Departamento sociología
  • Daniel Barrientos Becario FPI. Departamento Sociología
  • Benjami Moles Kalt
  • Andreu Lope Peña Profesor titular
Keywords: spillover effect, societal effect, convergence, neocropostatism, transition, Social Dialogue


This article studies the spill over effect of the Dual FP policy of the European Union in Spain. The study is based on 22 interviews with institutions and social actors, as well as a discussion group of Dual Training students. The spill over of the European policy to promote Dual FP is based on the ideal-type of the German Model. This policy has been transposed into national legislation. However, the mode of adaptation of the Dual Training differs from the ideal-type by the societal effect that the national social actors print. Dual Training in Spain is school-based, with fragmented governance and low participation of companies. The participation of companies is oriented towards the internal labour market, which makes it difficult to transfer qualifications to the activity sector.


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Author Biographies

Antonio Martín Artiles, Universidad Autónoma Barcelona. Departamento sociología
Catedrático de Sociología del trabajo
Daniel Barrientos, Becario FPI. Departamento Sociología
Becario FPI
Benjami Moles Kalt
Profesor asociado
Andreu Lope Peña, Profesor titular
Profesor titular
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How to Cite
Martín Artiles A., Barrientos D., Moles Kalt B. y Lope Peña A. (2019). Dual training policy: discurses with Germany in mind. Política y Sociedad, 56(1), 145-167. https://doi.org/10.5209/poso.60093