The Model of Youth Employment in Spain (2013-2016)

  • M. Àngels Cabasés Piqué Universidad de Lleida
  • Agnès Pardell Veà Universidad de Lleida
  • Alex Serés Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Keywords: youth, labour market, continuous sample of labor lives, precariousness, European Union, youth guarantee.


The aim of this article is, in the first place, to characterize the "model" of precarious employment to which young people under 30 are currently exposed. The “model” is assessed through official statistics, in particular, the Continuous Sample of Labor Lives 2015, and from a longitudinal perspective with a bootstrap sampling test. The analyses show that it is based on temporality, on the part-time day, on over-qualification and low wages. Moreover, the precariousness is more intense than in previous generations. Secondly, the article analyzes the implementation of the Youth Guarantee in Spain, in the period 2013-2016. The European initiative calls for offering an employment or training to people younger than 30 years in order to improve their employability and / or to facilitate their access to an employment contract. The analyzed evaluations confirm that it is not a guarantee of employment and that the objectives set by the European Recommendation have not been achieved.


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Author Biographies

M. Àngels Cabasés Piqué, Universidad de Lleida

Profesora Titular de Universidad
Departamento Economía Aplicada

Miembro del grupo de investigación JOVIS, Juventud y Sociedad

Agnès Pardell Veà, Universidad de Lleida

Catedrática Derecho del Trabajo y Seguridad Social

Departamento Derecho Público
Miembro del grupo de investigación JOVIS, Juventud y Sociedad

Alex Serés, Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Graduado en Físicas y Matemáticas

Master en Ingenieria Matemática

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How to Cite
Cabasés Piqué M. À., Pardell Veà A. y Serés A. (2017). The Model of Youth Employment in Spain (2013-2016). Política y Sociedad, 54(3), 733-755.