The Triumph and the Crises of Liberal Democracy

  • Roberto Rodríguez Guerra Universidad de La Laguna
Keywords: Democratization, liberal democracy, parlamentarism, crisis, representation, political parties, elections


At the time of the announcement of its final triumph, we are however and paradoxically witnessing the crisis of liberal democracy. After assuming that democracy is nowadays the form of government that enjoys widespread legitimacy and social acceptance, this paper discusses the accuracy and the empirical scope of the thesis stating the triumph of liberal democracy. This paper looks back on some of the crises of liberal democracy during the twentieth century and retrieves different -and even contradictory- theories of the crises suffered in such form of government - in the 20's, 70's and today-. The final goal is to show the serious and persistent problems liberal democracy is facing and it concludes by providing suggestions to overcome these crises.


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How to Cite
Rodríguez Guerra R. (2013). The Triumph and the Crises of Liberal Democracy. Política y Sociedad, 50(2), 657-679.