The shape of strikes in Spain, 1905-2010

  • David Luque Balbona Universidad de Oviedo
Keywords: industrial conflict, political exchange, social pacts, social change


Conflict is a central element of industrial relations. Strikes are the most relevant aspect of the labor dispute and that the academic literature has given greater importance, both for its social significance –probably strikes have involved more workers than any other form of collective action during the twentieth century– as for its historical continuity, since the mid-nineteenth century strikes became the dominant form of social protest in industrial societies.

This article examines strike activity in Spain during the twentieth century to explain its evolution. In contrast to other works that focus primarily on the intensity of strike activity, this research is focused on the shape of strikes, which allows observing the transformation suffered in its configuration. Therefore be seen as strikes have been modernized over the twentieth century. The results show that strikes in Spain have followed a logic of political action, and, therefore, not limited to the scope of the market.


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Author Biography

David Luque Balbona, Universidad de Oviedo
Departamento de Sociología. Área de Sociología Profesor Asociado (LOU)



How to Cite
Luque Balbona D. (2013). The shape of strikes in Spain, 1905-2010. Política y Sociedad, 50(1), 235-268.