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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

Author Guidelines

The magazine will put into consideration, through external evaluation, all works received for publication.

Regulations for submitting articles

Works can be presented in English, Spanish, or French.


  • Long articles, with a length between 25-35 pages double spaced.
  • Short articles, with a length between 5-10 pages double spaced.


1. The magazine Papeles del Este publishes original, scientific investigations relating to the economic, social, and political transition of eastern European countries; this includes such topics as the movement of people, external investment, the labor market, technology, innovation, industrial policies, economic situations, the movement of commercial goods… The magazine also publishes revised works, divulging works, research notes, bibliographical reviews, etc. that will be of interest to the reader.

2. Submitted works must be originals, no published works will be accepted, nor works accepted for a different publication, nor those found in the process of a publication evaluation.

3. The works should be sent, preferably by email to, or by regular post to:

Papeles del Este
Instituto Complutense de Estudios Internacionales (ICEI)
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Finca Mas Ferré, Edificio A
Campus de Somosaguas
E-28223 Pozuelo de Alarcón (Madrid)

In this case, a printed copy and another copy on disk must be sent. The Editorial Board of Papeles del Este will remain in touch with the authors, preferably by email, the first communication being a requested receipt for the submitted work.

4. The document should be formatted to Microsoft Word, double spaced, in Arial font, size 12, with symmetric margins of 2.5 cm and paginated. The length of the document should not surpass 35 pages (size DIN - A4 paper). The notes and bibliography should be no longer than 2 pages for the first and 3 pages for the second. Both must be included when submitting the finished document.

5. The first page of the document should include the title of the work in Spanish and English, the full name of the author(s), the institution they’re affiliated with, and their email address, an analytical abstract in Spanish and English (of approximately 100 words), key words in Spanish and English (between 2 and 5), and a classification JEL (to two digits).

6. Tables, charts, graphs, and figures included in the paper should be integrated into the text in the correct order with an in-text citation of their source. Each should be named by its type (table, chart, graph, or figure) as well as their reference number (in order). These tables, charts, graphs, and figures should also be sent in separate documents, formatted to XLS, RTF, or JPEG.

7. The bibliographies should be placed at the end of the text with indentation 1.25, listed in alphabetical order according to the authors’ names. The format for books is as follows: Last name. Comma. Initials of first and middle names. Year of publication in parentheses. Colon. Title of the book in italics. Comma. Publisher. Comma. Place of publication. Comma. Date of the first edition, if available, in parentheses. The format for articles is as follows: Last name. Comma. Initials of first and middle names. Year of publication in parentheses. Colon. Title of the article in quotation marks. Comma. Title of magazine in italics. Comma. Volume and number of the magazine. Comma. First and last page numbers of the article.

  • Example of a book with one author:

Sánchez, J. L. (1972): Análisis del subdesarrollo en África, Salvat, Barcelona.

  • Example of a book with more than one author:

Sanchez, J. L. y Martínez, R. (1975): Estructuras Políticas, Ariel, Barcelona, (1ª Ed. 1969).

  • Example of an article from a magazine:

Sánchez, J. L. (1999): “Una visión del Capitalismo Moderno”, Revista de Estudios Aplicados. Vol. 1, 135-143.

8. The bibliographical citations that appear within the text should be in parentheses and include: the author’s last name. Comma. The year of publication. Colon. Page numbers.

  • Example: (Sánchez, 1972: 32-33).

9. For critical book reviews indicate the title, last followed by first names of the authors of the book in capital letters, title of the work in the book in italics, publisher, place of publication, year of publication, and page numbers. At the end of the text include the name and the affiliated institution of the author(s) of the critical review.

10. The authors will receive, via email, a PDF file containing the work with minimal additional corrections. They should be returned via post, fax, or email (in a file indicating the changes if they’re simple and small), no later than 15 days after they’re received by the author, in order to avoid delaying the publication of the edition. In the case of multiple authors the corrected work will be sent to the first name given. The authors are responsible for the quality of the orthography of their works; nevertheless, the Editorial Board will make any style changes that they deem necessary in order to improve the work.

11. The works that the Editorial Board assesses, with the exception of notes and reviews, will be submitted to the evaluation of at least two additional arbitrary evaluators using the double-blind method. In the case of multiple monographic, the articles will be evaluated given the approval of the edition’s coordinator. The authors will receive information about the rejection of articles, the required changes needed in order for acceptance of the article, or of the acceptance itself. Those accepted will be published in the first edition with available pages.

Where to send the collaborations?

Telephone: 91/3942404

Fax: 91/3942499


Postal Address:
Papeles del Este
Instituto Complutense de Estudios Internacionales (ICEI)
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Finca Mas Ferré, Edificio A
Campus de Somosaguas
E-28223 Pozuelo de Alarcón (Madrid)

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