Focus and Scope

Cuadernos del Este, magazine published by the Institute of Eastern Europe in the beginning of the nineties, was a pioneer of its time. Its topics brought together a group of professors and researchers who all shared the same interest of the economic, social, and political transformations that were taking place in the central and eastern European countries. Later, Papeles del Este. Transiciones Poscomunistas, electronic publication of the University Complutense of Madrid and the Institute Complutense of International Studies, converted it into a platform from which they could continue to analyze the different trajectories taken by these countries. Such results as the quality and variety of the articles as well as the distribution of the magazine give credit to the hard work of its contributors. However, the process has not been without problems and insufficiencies, but it is through these struggles that we hope our readers will understand the necessary risks taken in the publication, given the fact that such topics are not widespread in Spain.

A numerous amount of countries that have risen from the communist world have entered into the European Union (EU) – which is probably the most complex of all the attained objectives to present day, given the low level of income per habitant of the newly entered countries and the difficult economic and political situation in Europe-, with Bulgaria and Romania as likely additions in 2007. As a result of this extension into the East, the profound changes in the international geo strategy, and the complexity of the integration process, the EU finds itself at a crossroads where interests and diverse strategies coexist. Their articulation will help to reinforce and create a European structure of their own. We therefore attend that in these moments of great change and new challenges that theses countries take time for planning and reflection. The magazine Papeles del Este attempts to contribute to this debate, which will only be successful with handwork and input.

We thank those who have contributed to Papeles del Este, whose effort has been crucial in maintaining the publication during these last years. The new Publishers intend on generating a quality publication, which will be centred on the economic, social, political, and institutional challenges of the EU and also the different evolutions taking place in the post communist countries. We value active participation from researchers and students, and hope they will be able to rely on the magazine to spread their works; we also encourage collaboration from our readers whose critiques and suggestions are always welcomed.

Information: The magazine is not responsible for the opinions of its collaborators. Works may be reproduced given the reference is cited.
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Latindex. Sistema de Información de Publicaciones Científicas Seriadas de América Latina, el Caribe, España y Portugal

Información general

Es continuada por: Papeles de Europa