El derecho a la educación, incluida la superior o universitaria. Y sus obstáculos, incluido el "Plan Bolonia"

  • Guillermo Garcia Doctor en Derecho, experto en desarrollo y Derechos Humanos
Keywords: Human rights, right to education, higher education and university education, globalization, neoliberalism, privatization of education, the Bologna Process.


In the deep economic crisis we are living, affecting all field in our lives, including academic subjects, the human rights, having achieving a certain effectiveness along the last century, are now bearing a constant decline. The right to education and public teaching is a good example of this. From the eighties, the neocon involution or counterrevolution keeps making more meager the labor market, destroying social achievements and scrapping out the welfare state. This is the turn for public education, beginning by higher. Behind arguments as costs lowering and 'results' obtaining, the effects are the corning of independent and critic teaching. Humanities subjects ans Social Science are scorned, with the purpose of “offering” a training toward a precarious entering to labor market.


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How to Cite
Garcia G. (2012). El derecho a la educación, incluida la superior o universitaria. Y sus obstáculos, incluido el "Plan Bolonia". Nómadas. Critical Journal of Social and Juridical Science, 34(2), 5-19. https://doi.org/10.5209/rev_NOMA.2012.v34.n2.40727