Abad de los Santos, Rafael. La delegación japonesa de 1882 en España. El descubrimiento de una antigua amistad. Coria del Río: Asociación Hispano Japonesa Hasekura, Ayuntamiento de Coria del Río, 2021. 104 pp. ISBN 978-84- 09-36195-3 (edición bilingüe español-japonés)
The work of Rafael Abad de los Santos on the discovery in 1882 of the letter sent by Date Masamune to the City Council of Seville more than two centuries earlier, which features three Japanese diplomats, serves to delve into the analysis of the relevance of the Keichō embassy and its impact on relations between Spain and Japan, at a time when Japan was seeking its place on the international scene as a modern and efficient country.
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