The Japanese invasion of Manchuria as seen in the Spanish press (1931-1934)

  • Manuel de Moya Martínez Universidad de Córdoba
Keywords: Manchuria, invasion, Japan, press, Spain


The Japanese invasion of Manchuria, in September 1931, had a widespread impact throughout the world. What originally began as a small conflict will soon become a serious international crisis. In Spain, where a change of the political regime had just taken place that year, the media also followed closely the events of Asia. During the following years the Spanish press kept a regular coverage of this conflict, in a process that would end up polarizing the image of Japan in Spain around two groups: the supporters and the detractors.


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How to Cite
de Moya Martínez M. (2019). The Japanese invasion of Manchuria as seen in the Spanish press (1931-1934). Mirai. Estudios Japoneses, 3, 111-125.