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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • Submitting an article to this journal implies the acceptance of the Declaration of Originality and Authorship.
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  • The format of the file sent is OpenOffice, Microsoft Word or RTF.
  • Web addresses have been included for references whenever possible.
  • DOI references have been included when available
  • The text meets the reference and style requirements described in the Author Guidelines, which may be found in About the Journal.
  • If you are submitting something for a peer-reviewed section of the journal, please make sure you have followed the instructions in Ensuring a Blind Review.

Author Guidelines


This Journal uses the ORCID® persistent digital identifier as a way to ensure proper authorship normalization.

All authors, whether of articles, translations, book reviews or exhibition reviews, must identify themselves with this ORCID identifier. If they do not have it, they must obtain it by registering at ORCID, and then add it to the final document they submit, after having been evaluated by blind peers, if applicable. This will be in the form of a link, together with the details of the institution, if any, and the e-mail address.


The journal Mirai. Estudios Japoneses welcomes unpublished research papers on topics related to Japanese studies. Both in its monographic section and in the miscellaneous section, the contributions should clearly set out the topic to be studied, the analysis of its bibliography and/or primary sources, the research method applied and its contribution to new developments.

The journal also welcomes original direct translations from contemporary and classical Japanese (kanbun, kogo, sorobun,etc.) for its section “Translation Laboratory”. Texts must not have been previously included in any other publication, either in full or in part, and must be of an obvious literary and/or historical value. A complete text is preferable to a text fragment. In addition, these contributions will incorporate a study and analysis of the translated text which should include a reference to its historical context, its relevance, the difficulties encountered in its translation and the contributions they entail, as well as any other analysis that the author considers relevant. The translation shall be accompanied by the text in Japanese.

Essays, bibliographic works, dissemination texts, as well as artistic, literary, cinematographic etc. criticism, are excluded.

A structure with the following sections is recommended: presentation, development of the study and conclusions.

Manuscripts will include the title in Spanish and English, two abstracts of no more than 250 words, one in Spanish and one in English, and five key words also in both languages. These will state their contributions and their relevance. The total extension of the text, including footnotes, will not exceed 10,000 words and no more than 10 images or tables. The language used will be Spanish, although the Board of Editors may exceptionally admit some articles in English. In the case of manuscripts submitted to the Translation Laboratory section, the target language will always be Spanish and the maximum length of the study accompanying the translation shall not exceed 8,000 words (not including the accompanying original Japanese text). They must also include the aforementioned abstracts and keywords.

The journal will publish reviews of books that are approved by the editorial board, with a preference for those published in the Ibero-American context. The reviewer must submit their review preferably through the journal's OJS (Open Journal System) platform, like other authors, and also provide their ORCID number. The maximum length of the review should be 2,000 words and should be accompanied by a summary and keywords in both Spanish and English. Authors or publishers wishing to propose reviews of their books should send two copies: one in digital or printed format, which will be provided to the person designated by the Editorial Board to conduct the review, and another printed copy intended for the AEJE library, located at the headquarters of the Japan Foundation in Madrid. Those interested in proposing book reviews should contact Professor Marcos Centeno

Critiques of exhibitions may also be included. The maximum length will also be 2,000 words, and they should follow the same guidelines as the works mentioned earlier. Images of the exhibition may be included as well.


Mirai. Estudios Japoneses will confirm receipt of all original manuscripts received.

Manuscripts should be submitted using the OJS platform:

Those who wish to submit a contribution must register as an "author" by following the steps in the aforementioned platform.

The Board of Editors may reject an article without evaluating it if it considers that it does not comply rigorously with the journal’s guidelines, both in format or content, or if it does not fall within the thematic scope of the journal.

After this preliminary analysis, all articles will be submitted to an external review according to the double-blind peer review system in which at least two external reviewers will participate, appealing to a third party if necessary. Those reviewers will be prestigious researchers specialized in the subject. Both the author and the reviewer’s names will remain anonymous. However, periodically the list of external reviewers who have collaborated with the journal in previous years will be published.

The journal’s Board of Editors, after considering the external reviews, will be in charge of making the final decision on which articles are published and will communicate the article’s final acceptance or rejection to the author.

All authors will receive, in the interest of transparency, the scientific evaluation reports, anonymously, so that they can make (where appropriate) the applicable improvements or response.

Authors will only receive the first proof for the correction of typos or grammatical errors. The journal will not accept variations that significantly alter the typographical adjustment or content.

Every published article will incorporate the dates of reception and approval.


Deadline for the reception and acceptance of manuscripts: 31 January. The Board of Editors may extend the reception date due to very specific circumstances.

Within a maximum period of 30 days after the deadline for the submission of manuscripts, the journal will send the notification of acceptance or dismissal for the manuscript’s peer review.

The period for the peer review process will be no longer than 180 days. Authors will have 10 days to amend the final draft of their work, implementing the changes and corrections that the reviewers deem necessary.

Authors will have two weeks to return the first corrected proofs.



In order to maintain the anonymity during the evaluation process, the manuscript must not contain any reference that may identify the author, nor any computer data in the document that may identify the author and reveal his or her identity.

The font will be Times New Roman, size 12, with 1,5 line spacing for the main body, and size 10 with 1,0 line spacing for the notes and the documentary appendix, when present.

Footnotes are indicated in the body of the text by a number after the semicolon or comma.

Regarding the use Japanese:

In case of citing works published in Japanese all data should be romanized using the Hepburn system and, optionally, the name of the author and the title can be written in Japanese.

Hidaka, Kaori (日高薫). Ikoku no hyōshō (異国の表象). Tokyo: Brücke, 2009. Kawamura, Yayoi. "Supein shozai no nanban shikki ni tsuite."Kokka, 1415 (2013): 36-49.

Please note that in the specific case of Japanese names within the text, the Surname is cited followed by the First Name.

Correct example: Tokugawa Ieyasu.

Incorrect example: Ieyasu Tokugawa.

Romanization of Japanese words shall follow the Hepburn system. Words of Japanese origin recognized by the Real Academia Española will be used in Spanish (without italics) in accordance with the rules of that academy: for example, catana, daimio.

Texts written in Japanese must be accompanied by their translations. If the translation is done by the author, this should be indicated in a footnote. Orthography and typography

The orthography of texts in the Spanish language must follow the rules of the Real Academia Española (

Latinisms, if they are included in the Diccionario de la Real Academia (DRAE), should be written in roman letters. Otherwise, they will be written in italics. Italics should also be used for all non-Spanish words except proper nouns.

For texts in Spanish, Latin quotation marks (« ») should be used. In the case of a quote within a quote, English double quotation marks should be used (" "). For the definition or translation of a word, the word should be written in italics and between single quotation marks (' ') and the definition or translation should be written in roman. For brackets, in the case of brackets within brackets, square brackets should be used: ([ ]). In the case of texts in other languages (English, German, etc.), the corresponding typographical traditions shall be followed.

When quoting a text by another author, if it is short, it is indicated in brackets (" "). If it is longer than 3 lines, it will be in a separate paragraph, tabulated and without inverted commas.

The use of special symbols or signs, such as star ★ , cross † or others, should be avoided, except for linguistic characters relating to other languages such as Japanese and Chinese ideograms.

For all matters relating to titles and subtitles, in-text citations, image or table captions, footnotes, references, names of foreign cities, etc., the Chicago Manual of Style (Notes-Bibliography) must be followed.

In this style the sources of information are cited in the footnotes in abbreviated form and in full at the end of the manuscript in the list of bibliography used (only the works referred to in the text).

All sources with a digital link must be checked to ensure that it is inserted correctly so that it can be activated.

It is compulsory to include the DOI identifier in all those references that have it and always with the link activated. This is very important as the DOI is used to count citations.

Some examples of the abbreviated notes system and bibliography Journal articles

Article in a printed journal. One author

* In the footnote, the number of the specific page cited is indicated. In the bibliography, however, the beginning and end pages of the complete article are indicated.

Footnote: Gómez, “La mirada de Eudald Serra...", 225.

Bibliography: Gómez Pradas, Muriel. “La mirada de Eudald Serra. El artista a través de las colecciones de cerámica japonesa del Museo Etnológico de Barcelona”. Archivo Español de Arte LXXXVI, 343 (2013): 221-236.

Article in a printed journal. Two authors


Kawamura y Cabañas, "Kifune no honji....", 220.


Kawamura, Yayoi, y Pilar Cabañas Moreno, “Kifune no honji. Pinturas japonesas del siglo XVII en la Biblioteca Complutense”, Goya 300 (2017): 216-231.

Article in a printed journal. 4 to 10 authors


Arseneault et al., "Obstetrical Complications", 499.


Arseneault, Linda, Ron Tremblay, Marie Jones, Brendan Boulerice, y Jane Saucier. "Obstetrical Complications and Violent Delinquency: Testing Two Developmental Pathways". Child Development 73, n.º 2 (2002): 496-508.

Article in a print journal. More than ten authors

* For more than ten authors, the first seven are cited in the bibliography, followed by et al.

Article in an electronic journal

* For articles consulted online, the DOI is included as a link ( Footnote:

Vives, " Arquitectos japoneses en España", 99.


Vives Rego, Javier. "Arquitectos japoneses en España, arquitectos españoles en Japón, 1990-2020". Mirai. Estudios Japoneses 5 (2021), 91-103.


One author


Charlevoix, Historia del Japón, 64-66.


Charlevoix, Pierre-François-Xavier de. Historia del Japón y sus misiones. Valladolid: Imprenta Juan de la Cuesta, 1860.

Two or more authors

* The same rules apply as for journal articles in the case of more than one author.


Licona, López, Maricela y Celaya, Puertos en el Noreste y Sureste Asiático, 152.


Licona, Ángel, Reyes López, Mireya Maricela y Roberto Celaya Figueroa. Puertos en el Noreste y Sureste Asiático: China, Japón, Corea del Sur. Filipinas, Indonesia y República Socialista de Vietnam. Ciudad Obregón: Instituto Tecnológico de Sonora, 2015.

Libro en formato electrónico


Ramos, En busca del Fénix, cap. 5.


Ramos, Víctor. En busca del Fénix. Madrid: Editorial Iberoamericana, 2013. ProQuest Ebrary.

Book chapter

* The specific pages are cited in the note, but the bibliography gives the page range of the chapter.

One author


Braqui. "Radiografía...", 52


Braqui, Margarita. "Radiografía de un experimento sociológico". En Feminismo 2.0, ed. por Luis Santos, 27-63. Barcelona: Ínsula, 2020.

Several authors:


Cabañas, Almazán, Barlés, Kawamura, Gómez y Ramón, “Between Realty and Imagination...", 325.


Cabañas Moreno, Pilar, David Almazán Tomás, Elena Barlés Báguena, Yayoi Kawamura, Muriel Gómez Prada y Ramón Vega Prieto. “Between Realty and Imagination: Buddhism in Spain and Japanese Buddist Collections”. En Japanese Collections in European Museums, Vol. IV, ed. por Tomoe I. M. Steineck, Josef Kreiner y Raji C. Steineck, 321-333. Bonn: Bier’sche Verlagsanstalt, 2013.


No author named

* If the website does not indicate the date of publication or revision, the date of access (day-month-year) must be indicated.


OVO Chile


OVO Chile. Accessed April 1, 2020.


* If the website does not indicate the date of publication or revision, the date of access (day-month-year) must be indicated.


Sabín, "No, Wigner".


Sabín, Carlos. "No, Wigner no pensaba eso." Investigación y Ciencia: Cuantos completos. Accessed April 27, 2020. .

Theses and dissertations


Hernán, "Fronteras", 88-92.


Hernán de la Hoz, Felícitas. "Las fronteras del negacionismo en un ecosistema racionalista. Problemática asociada a las comunidades indígenas". Doctoral dissertation, Universidad de Murcia, 1968.

Conference papers

* If the paper is online, the URL is added at the end of the reference in the bibliography, preceded by a full stop.


Chaparro, "Mirada", 44


Chaparro, Ana. "La mirada y la memoria: historia compartida catalanoaragonesa". Comunicación presentada en el 2º Congreso de Historia Aragonesa, Belchite, 15-17 de mayo, 1999.

Japanese references:

In case of citing works published in Japanese, all data must be transcribed in alphabet using the Hepburn system, and optionally, only the name of the author and the title of the work in Japanese may be added.Hidaka, Kaori 日高薫. Ikoku no hyōshō 異国の表象. Tokio: Brücke, 2009.

Kawamura, Yayoi 川村やよい. “Supein shozai no nanban shikki ni tsuite スペイン所在の南蛮漆器について". Kokka 1415 (2013): 36-49.

In the case of archival documents:

Whenever the documentation is unpublished, it shall be referenced in the footnote as follows: Name of the archive [acronym of the archive, which, from the second note onwards, should replace the name of the archive], source or record, year, f./ff.-r./v., (place where the document was issued and date, using Roman characters for the month). If undated: s/date. If not foliated: s/f.


Archivo Histórico Nacional [AHN], Clero, Jesuitas, Legajo 381, 1570-1589, ff. 23r.-36v. (Valladolid, 05/07/1572).

On audiovisual material:

See: “Audiovisual Recordings and other Multimedia”. Purdue Online Writing Lab. College of Liberal Arts.



Shanley, Joe Versus …, 12:45*

* The minute(s) of the scene referred to may be quoted below if applicable.


Shanley, John Patrick, dir. Joe Versus the Volcano. 1990; Burbank, CA: Warner Home Video, 2002. DVD.

* If you access the film via a streaming service instead of a physical medium, the corresponding URL can be added.



Snodgrass, Star Trek…, temporada 2, episodio 9, 17:34.


Snodgrass, Melinda M, guionist. Star Trek: The Next Generation. Temporada 2, episodio 9, “The Measure of a Man.” Dirigido por Robert Scheerer, performed by Patrick Stewart, Brent Spiner, y Whoopi Goldberg. Broadcasted February 13, 1989, emisor Paramount, 2012, Blu-Ray.

* If you are accessing the programme via a streaming service rather than physical media, you can replace everything after the broadcast information with the corresponding URL. So, in the TV example above, if you are working from Netflix instead of a Blu-Ray recording, you would replace "Paramount, 2012, Blu-Ray" with "".

Music recordings


Dylan, “Workingman’s”. Charles, “Georgia on My Mind.”


Dylan, Bob. “Workingman’s Blues #2.” Recorded February 2006. Track 3 on Modern Times. Columbia, CD.

Charles, Ray. "Georgia on My Mind." Composed by Hoagy Carmichael and Stuart Gorrell. Recorded March 1960. Track 2 on The Genius Hits the Road. ABC-Paramount, vinyl LP.

Recorded speeches


Morrison, “Nobel Lecture,” 30:15.


Morrison, Toni. “Nobel Lecture.” December 7, 1993. Grand Hall of the Swedish Academy, Stockholm, Sweden. MPEG-4, 33:18.

Audiobooks and other recordings

To cite an audiobook, a published recording of a poetry reading, or anything similar.


Matt Ruff, Lovecraft Country, 14:00.


Ruff, Matt. Lovecraft Country. Read by Kevin Kenerly. Ashland, OR: Blackstone Audio, 2016. Audible audio ed. (refers to the medium, if it were television and a movie, it might be Netflix), 12 hr., 14 min.

Live performances

Performances of live content, such as plays, concerts or the like, obviously cannot be consulted by your reader, and therefore do not need to be given a bibliographic entry. However, if for some reason you need to use one as a source, you should include a citation in the form of a note, as shown below for a play and a music festival:

Only footnotes:

She Kills Monsters, written by Qui Nguyen, dir. Amy Lynn Budd, Yue-Kong Pao Hall of Visual and Performing Arts, West Lafayette, IN, April 12, 2019.

The Baltimore Mixtape, feat. HexGirlfriends et al., The Crown, Baltimore, MD, May 4, 2019.

En cualquiera de los documentos citados, se admite usar "Ibid."

Images and tables:

Maximum of 10.

Size: min. 300p.p. JPG/TIF

They must be numbered consecutively with the corresponding numbers in the text in square brackets, e.g.: [fig. 1]. Images requiring scale should be scaled graphically and not numerically. At the end of the text a list images will be added with a brief explanation and credit line. It is very important to note the sources from which the images have been obtained.


Figure 1. Frontispiece Christian Prayers and Meditations (London: John Daye, 1569), showing Queen Elizabeth praying in her private chapel. Reproduced by permission of the Archbishop of Canterbury and the Trustees of the Lambeth Palace Library.

Figure 2. Francis Bedford, Stratford on Avon Church from the Avon, 1860s. Albumen print from a collodion negative, 18.8 × 28.0 cm. Rochester, International Museum of Photography at George Eastman House.

Figure 3. The myth that all children like dinosaurs is contradicted by this 19th century scene of a visit to the monsters at Crystal Palace. Drawing by John Leech. "Punch's Almanack for 1855," Punch 28 [1855]: 8. Photo courtesy of Newberry Library, Chicago.

Figure 4. The Great Wave of Kanagawa (Kanagawa oki nami ura 神奈沖浪裏) from the series Thirty-six Views of Mount Fuji (Fugaku sanjūrokkei 富嶽三十六景) (ca. 1830-32). Katsushika Hokusai, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York. Open Access

The authors are responsible for managing any reproduction rights that may apply to the images. When applying for the necessary copyright permission, they must state that the entire contents of the journal are under Creative Commons 4.0.


Any manuscript that does not meet the format, presentation, content and illustrations requirements will be returned to the author.

Manuscripts will be examined to ensure that they are original and unpublished and that their subject matter is in line with the journal’s focus. The following aspects will be evaluated: its contribution and interest; the methodology and results obtained; whether they are relevant in relation to current research in the area and subject matter covered; whether research carried out by other authors on the same topic has been taken into account; the meticulousness in the development of the arguments and analysis; the precise use of concepts and methods; the suitability of the title and content of the manuscript; the linguistic correctness and the writing clarity.

In the case of works submitted to the Translation Laboratory section, a complete text will be preferred to a text fragment, and only those with an evident literary and historical value will be evaluated.

The Board of Editors is a competent body to determine whether or not to approve manuscripts, and it treats the review reports received as confidential documents.


Authors are solely responsible for the contents of their manuscripts. Likewise, the journal will maintain the rights that are guaranteed by law over their work.

Acceptance of a paper for publication implies that the copyright, in any medium and by any means, is transferred to the editor of the journal.


The personal data collected will be incorporated and processed in the "Publications Service" file, the purpose of which is the dissemination and/or sale of UCM publications / Invoicing and dispatch of publications. No data transfers are foreseen, except for those established by law. The responsible body for the file is the Vice-Rectorate for University Extension, Culture and Sport, and the address where the interested party may exercise their rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition to the same is Archivo General y Protección de Datos, at Avda. Séneca, 2, 28040 - MADRID, all of which is reported in compliance with article 5 of Organic Law 15/1999, of 13 December, on the Protection of Personal Data.


The author of the manuscript AFFIRMS THAT:

1.He/she agrees and complies with the Publication Guidelines of the journal.

2.The work submitted is the result of an original and unpublished research and has not been previously published or submitted to another journal unless rejected.

3.It does not contain any plagiarized or fabricated data. All sources of information are indicated, both primary and bibliographic sources.

4.It has permission from other researchers if it incorporates results of studies carried out by them and still unpublished.

5.It expressly acknowledges the persons or entities that have collaborated, provided data, help or resources in the course of the research.

6.In the exceptional case in which the text is accepted in English, if this is not the author’s mother tongue, the text will be revised by an English speaker with a command of the language at an academic level.

7.The rights of reproduction of images, tables, graphs, etc. that have been incorporated in the text have been paid to the copyright holders if required. The sources of the images, tables, graphs, etc. incorporated in the text are correctly indicated. The author is responsible for the management of permissions to reproduce these images. THEREFORE, the author is under the obligation of ensuring that the publication of the work in the journal Mirai. Estudios Japoneses does not in any way violate the applicable regulations in force, nor the rights of publicity, intellectual property, copyrights, contractual rights, or any other rights of any natural or legal person, public or private, nor will it be in any way contrary to good faith or public order. As a consequence of the above, they assure and guarantee to the said journal and to Ediciones Complutense that the contents comply with the laws on data protection, protection of the right to honour, personal privacy and one's own image, intellectual or industrial property, or any other applicable law. In particular, they expressly guarantee to the journal Mirai. Estudios Japoneses and Ediciones Complutense that they have the prior written consent of those persons whose images or other personal data are disclosed through the contents or whose rights are affected by their publication and reproduction through the work, for their use or exercise in the terms in which they are used in the contents. 8.Accepts that the publication of the work implies that the copyrights, in any medium and by any means, are transferred to the editor of the journal.

The journal Mirai. Japanese Studies does not charge submission fees or publication fees for its articles.

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