Reflexões sobre as influências da indústria cultural na difusão de valores estéticos: a TV aberta brasileira e a padronização da beleza

  • Renata F. Baldanza
  • Nelsio R. Abreu
Keywords: Cultural industry, Media power, Aesthetic standards


The search for recognition by society has led people to be influenced by the disproportionate consumption of products offered by cultural industries. This is the result, among other factors, of the constant evolution and improvement of communication technologies, which enable the circulation of information in a rapid and far-reaching way. As such, one can observe that the diffusion of aesthetic values by the media, especially by unsubscribed TV, is essential for the sustenance of the “beauty industry”, which very often makes individuals absorb such values without any questioning, following the need to be recognized as part of a whole . Such effects can be attributed principally to the large penetration power and farreaching abilities of unsubscribed TV, which currently is present in the majority of Brazilian homes. Given the above, this paper presents reflections about the penetration of the media, based on the theoretical presuppositions, which involve media communication and the cultural industry, proposed by Adorno and Horkheimer, their effects and their relationship with the cultural industry, with regard to the diffusion of aesthetic values imposed upon society as acceptable beauty standards.


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How to Cite
Baldanza R. F. y Abreu N. R. (2010). Reflexões sobre as influências da indústria cultural na difusão de valores estéticos: a TV aberta brasileira e a padronização da beleza. Mediaciones Sociales, 7, 91-110.