Los cibermedios iberoamericanos en la web 2.0. Transformaciones y tendencias de los medios online de América Latina, España y Portugal en el contexto de la web social

  • Santiago Tejedor Calvo
Keywords: Cyberjournalism, On-line newspaper, Web 2, 0, Technology, Network, Internet


The present article analyzes the principal transformations that the web 2.0 has generated in the main Iberoamerican online newspapers. The work derives from a recent study of 70 on-line newspapers. The research has been done with the participation of 60 experts and cyberjournalists of Spain, Portugal and Latin America, through surveys. The article focuses on the main changes, strengths and weaknesses that the scene 2.0 demands to the Internet media and, at the same time, it points out some trends related to the evolution and reformulation of the on-line newspapers in the cyberspace.


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How to Cite
Tejedor Calvo S. (2010). Los cibermedios iberoamericanos en la web 2.0. Transformaciones y tendencias de los medios online de América Latina, España y Portugal en el contexto de la web social. Mediaciones Sociales, 7, 57-87. https://revistas.ucm.es/index.php/MESO/article/view/MESO1010220057A