El Creer y el Hacer: una propuesta para el análisis de las identidades sociales

  • Diana Lucía Álvarez Macías
Keywords: Identity analysis, Beliefs, Mexico, Self-image, Action


How do the individuals from a particu-lar Mexican region see themselves and the rest of the inhabitants of the area? How are the perceptions about the group’s beliefs and their actions articu-lated? This article presents a model aimed at conceptualizing how social identity is structured. Based on a case study, the research focuses on the elements of identity, defined as units of significa-tion within a belief or statement. The paper also details the process of analysis through which it is possible to under-stand its articulation and organization. We do it by means of two Worlds and two Dimensions that conform the social identity, as well as three axes that shape it: Space, Time and the Relationship, this document analyzes the case of inhabi-tants of Los Altos, Jalisco, Mexico, in order to provide a first tool that helps understand who the inhabitants of this region are, and what they are like, ac-cording to themselves.


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How to Cite
Álvarez Macías D. L. . (2008). El Creer y el Hacer: una propuesta para el análisis de las identidades sociales. Mediaciones Sociales, 3, 3-17. https://revistas.ucm.es/index.php/MESO/article/view/MESO0808220003A