De São Paulo a Madrid. Das mediações à midiatização

  • Christa Berger
Keywords: Press, Social movements, Bourdieu, Mediation, Brazil


In this text, I describe my encounter with the work of Martin Serrano with the aim of achieving a full understanding of the mediation concept. I also describe how this concept has brought light to the object of study of my doctorate thesis: Land and text. I study the relationship between the Movimento Sem Terra (MST) and Zero Hora (ZH, the leading newspaper in Rio Grande do Sul). The conflictive relations between the social movements and the press were studied from Pierre Bourdieu’s concept of field. This perspective allows me to think about social production as a place of symbolic production. In a society in which the mass media have a role of making visible and legitimating social events, there is a need to learn about how the press informs about a protest social movement. Here, I use Martín Serrano’s concept of mediation together with Bourdieu’s field. Finally, I also ask about the possibilities of the concept when society is not only mediated by communi-cation, but by a process of mediatization.


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How to Cite
Berger C. . (2008). De São Paulo a Madrid. Das mediações à midiatização. Mediaciones Sociales, 2, 3-12.