Un modelo para el análisis de las mediaciones rituales y su relación con los procesos de cambio social

  • Rodrigo Moulian Tesmer
Keywords: Mediation, Rite, Social change, Communication, Sociocultural context


This article proposes a model for the study of the ritual mediations that assumes a double challenge: a) to articulate the multiple dimensions of the ritual action in a flexible way, preserving its complexity and variety and b) to unify its phenomenological diversity, preserving the differences. The concept of “mediation” is proposed because of its versatility and perspective. These characteristics allow the mediation to act as a common factor of the diverse articulations that the ritual systems present with its sociocultural and natural environment. This one is oriented to explain the ritual work from its relations with the elements of the context and the communicative situations where it executes the rite and follows its dynamic of transformations in the frame of historical proceses.


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How to Cite
Moulian Tesmer R. . (2007). Un modelo para el análisis de las mediaciones rituales y su relación con los procesos de cambio social. Mediaciones Sociales, 1, 271-292. https://revistas.ucm.es/index.php/MESO/article/view/MESO0707110271A