Culture of peace and social mediation. Foundations for building more just and participatory society

  • Helena Neves Almeida FALTAN AUTORES
  • Cristina Pinto Albuquerque Universidade de Coimbra
  • Clara Cruz Santos Universidade de Coimbra
Keywords: Social Mediation, Culture of Peace, Participation, Social Justice


When social bonds increasingly degrade, problems such as poverty, social and institutional exclusion and violence increased expression and, in this context, social mediation reveals special importance. New and innovative answers to old and emerging problems and conflicts in contemporary world, where prevails the complexity, uncertainty and social risk, are required. This article shall take a critical and reflective analysis on the multidimensional meaning of peace and the values found in plural contexts. Also explores the innovative contribution of mediation to building a more just and participatory society and to promote a Culture of Peace.


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How to Cite
Neves Almeida H., Pinto Albuquerque C. y Cruz Santos C. (2015). Culture of peace and social mediation. Foundations for building more just and participatory society. Mediaciones Sociales, 12, 132-157.
The Mediation of Social Representations and Identities