The Mobile Subjet of the Global Village. Trends in Mediatized Society

  • Eduardo Andrés Vizer Universidade Federal da Integraçao Latinoamericana
Keywords: mobile subject, global village, trends, social mediatisation, ICT´s


In the last decades of the 20th century, ICT´s showed their capacity for convergence, which permits them to expand not only multiple uses, but the possibility to create and promote universal access to information and communication networks. In the first decade of the 21st century, personal cell phones and applicative devices between networks and infocommunication devices (a picture which resembles more to a Communication Society than an Information one) reinstalls the individual as an active agent of convergence between multiple communication systems. If the model of a literate Modernity individual was that of a reflexive subject -a reader-, in present late modernity (postmodernity?) the new model is that of the mobile and itinerant subject of the globalized (and deterritorialized) village. Advances in spatial and temporal autonomy of individuals generate conditions for the expansion in the access of information and communication, strengthening free expression further from the conservative conception which restrains it to media.


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How to Cite
Vizer E. A. (2011). The Mobile Subjet of the Global Village. Trends in Mediatized Society. Mediaciones Sociales, 8, 21-43.
Theoretical and Methodological Studies