The Interaction between Here and Over There in Manuel Pereira Valcárcel’s Work

  • María Curros Ferro Universidad de Granada
Keywords: Manuel Pereira, Galician poetry, time, memories, journeys


Manuel Pereira Valcárcel’s work is a diary which reflects his first journey from his home town of Ouzande to Madrid. His intimist poetry reveals his innermost character. His own personal development became the author’s main priority as well as trying to avoid being consumed living in such a large city. The author’s personal improvement crosses frontiers and he loses his youth in the process.


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How to Cite
Curros Ferro M. (2015). The Interaction between Here and Over There in Manuel Pereira Valcárcel’s Work. Madrygal. Revista de Estudios Gallegos, 18(Especial), 411-420.