María Casares: From Emigration to Exile

  • Sabela Hermida Mondelo Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
Keywords: Exile, Republic, Existentialism, Drama, Galicianness, María Casares


María Casares arises as an universal actress on her french exile, becoming a muse of Existentialism and a referent to her fellow republican countrymen and women. Thanks to her international artistic projection, she meets with the galician exiled in South America, thus becoming an icon, not only artistic, but political as well, for the banished Galician intelligentsia, hoping for the longed-for III Republic.


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How to Cite
Hermida Mondelo S. (2015). María Casares: From Emigration to Exile. Madrygal. Revista de Estudios Gallegos, 18(Especial), 275-282.