From Spain to Carajá: Hispanism in "La Novela del Indio Tupinamba" by Eugenio F. Granell

  • Azahara Palomeque Recio Princeton University
Keywords: Eugenio Granell, hispanism, imperialism, Spanish Civil War, exile


This article analyzes La Novela del Indio Tupinamba (1959) by the Galician writer Eugenio Granell, who was affiliated with the POUM party and exiled after the Spanish Civil War. The article takes into consideration his intervention into the field of cultural production (Bourdieu), starting with his critique of the “discursive imperialism” (Díaz Quiñones), called “hispanism”, which has traditionally characterized the relationship between Spain and its former colonies.


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How to Cite
Palomeque Recio A. (2015). From Spain to Carajá: Hispanism in "La Novela del Indio Tupinamba" by Eugenio F. Granell. Madrygal. Revista de Estudios Gallegos, 18(Especial), 115-125.