Call for articles Tricentenary of Immanuel Kant’s Birth (1724-1804) Special Dossier 2


Editing and Translation of Kant's Writings: Topics and Problems


We announce the opening of submission of articles for the second special dossier that Con-Textos Kantianos will publish on the occasion of the Tricentenary of the birth of Immanuel Kant uner the title "Themes and problems of the edition and translation of Kant's writings." The aim of this dossier will be to put together studies, reviews and research focusing on the topic of editing and translation of Immanuel Kant's writings. The transmission, dissemination and individual and collective understanding of Kant's philosophy are conditioned by multiple factors, and among them philological, historiographical and translational factors stand out. What Kant might mean depends closely on the factors conditioning the accessibility of his texts, as well as the conditions under which his editing and translation into other languages occurs. Among the areas or topics that these articles might cover are the following, although the call is open to further thematic lines focusing on the edition and translation of Kant:


  1. Methodological resources for the editing and translation of Kant's writings.
  2. Debates regarding interpretation ensuing from philological or translational issues.
  3. The historical resonances of Kant's terminology, taking into account the intellectual context.
  4. Studies of specific cases of processes or results of the translation of Kant's writings into Spanish or other languages.
  5. State-of-art of translation in an area related to Kant's philosophy or writings.


The journal accepts the publication of articles in Spanish, English, German, French, Italian and Portuguese. The deadline for submissions is July 31th 2024. For queries related to this dossier, please contact the guest editor: Manuel Sánchez Rodríguez (